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Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Tests

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Utvecklare: Youth4work

Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Practice Tests is powered by Youth4work (a leading career development portal). Prepare online for NSDC Skill Certification in various sectors. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) conducts corporate assessment and training through partner institutes and centres. Learn how to attempt questions based on a particular skill set, recognise pattern and evaluate your performance after attempting each sample mock test paper right from this App.

Key Features of Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Practice Tests:
1. Complete Mock Test for each job role under various Sector Skill Councils.
2. Reports to reflect accuracy, score and speed.
3. Discussion Forums to interact with other trainees and experts.
4. Review all attempted questions.
5. Tests for 500+ Job Roles under 30 Sector Skill Councils.

Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Tests contains Online Practice Tests for the following Sector Skill Councils :-

1. RASCI - Retailers Associations Skill Council of India
2. ASCI - Agriculture Sector Skill Council of India
3. AMHSSC - Apparel MadeUps and Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council
4. ASDC - Automotive Skills Development Council
5. BWSSC - Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill Council
6. BFSI Sector Skill Council of India
7. CGSC - Capital Goods Skill Council
8. CSDC - Construction Skill Development Council of India
9. ESSCI - Electronics Sector Skill Council of India
10. GJSCI - Gem and Jewellery Skill Council Of India
11. HSSC - Healthcare Sector Skill Council
12. IISSSC - Indian Iron and Steel Sector Skill Council
13. IT ITes Sector Skill Council
14. LSSC - Leather Sector Skill Council
15. LSSSDC - Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council
16. LSC - Logistics Sector Skill Council
17. SCMS - Skill Council for Mining Sector
18. MESC - Media and Entertainment Skill Council
19. IPSC - Indian Plumbing Skill Council
20. RSDC - Rubber Skill Development Council
21. SSSDC - Security Sector Skill Development Council
22. TSSC - Telecom Sector Skill Council
23. TSC - Textile Sector Skill Council
24. THSC - Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council
25. IESC - Infrastructure Equipment Skill Council
26. FFSC - Furniture and Fittings Skill Council
27. FICSI - Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative
28. PSSC - Power Sector Skill Council
29. HCSSC - Handicrafts and Carpet Sector Skill Council
30. SCGJ - Skill Council For Green Jobs